DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

Apr 21, 2016

In honor of April being Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Honda has released a new anti-texting and driving campaign on their YouTube page. Texting and Driving is an ongoing problem that is becoming more and more prominent as smartphone usage continues to climb. Today, people everywhere are so glued to their smartphone and mobile devices that they have difficulty putting them down. As a result, people are reaching for their phones to answer texts and calls even when they should be concentrating on being behind the wheel.

One of the biggest issues with texting & driving is that too many individuals believe that they are experts at multitasking. In fact, studies have shown that around 98% of people believe that they are good at multitasking when in fact, the more confident you are in your ability to multitask, the more mistakes you will be prone to making. This exact issue has been highlighted in six new videos released by Honda that show people trying to perform simple everyday tasks such as working out and vacuuming while texting. The videos highlight how the distraction of their phone causes them to make mistakes.

You can see two of these videos below and visit the official Honda YouTube page to view all six.