DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

Aug 4, 2016

Even if you aren’t a mechanic, you know what your car should look, sound, and smell like, just from everyday driving. However, if you do notice something out of the ordinary, like an odd smell, it’s a good thing to know what might be causing it. Below are six common smells that will be helpful to add to your basic car knowledge.

  • Acrid – Burnt brake material is usually the source of an acrid (harsh burning) smell. If you encounter this smell make sure you aren’t riding your brakes and that your parking brake is off.
  • Burning Oil – A burning oil smell is usually caused when oil drips on any part of the exhaust system. The smell is very distinct and is often accompanied by a thick smoke. To get rid of the smell, get rid of the leak.
  • Gasoline – If you smell gasoline, and you didn’t just fill up at the gas station, it’s likely that something more severe is going on. The smell could be coming from a leak in the fuel line, bad fuel pressure, or from a number of other causes. Get your vehicle looked at as soon as possible so you don’t put yourself or anyone else in any danger.
  • Musty – A musty odor means that water is settling somewhere inside your vehicle and allowing mold or mildew to prosper. Check for damp upholstery or floor mats and let you car air out on the next nice day.
  • Sulfur – Just like burning oil, sulfur is a pretty distinctive smell. If you get a whiff of rotten eggs, bring your car in for a checkup as the catalytic converter may need repairing.
  • Sweet – A sweet smell is not something you usually associate with your car unless you just picked up a dozen doughnuts for the office. If this isn’t the case, check under your parked car for an antifreeze leak right away as the heater core may be leaking.

Bring your car into DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh if you smell any of these or other smells and we will gladly take a look at your vehicle for you!

Laukkonen, Jeremy. “Seven Reasons Your Car Stinks.” Autos. N.p., 30 Sept. 2015. Web. 29 July 2016.