DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

May 26, 2016

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In honor of the unofficial start to summer that arrives this Memorial Day weekend we wanted to bring a relevant feature of some of our Honda vehicles to your attention: the sunroof. Below we have listed just a few of the reasons why you should consider getting a Honda with a sunroof installed.

  1. Style – Have you ever gotten into a car with a sunroof and not immediately thought that the car was just a little bit cooler? We didn’t think so.
  2. Temperature – Speaking of being cool, having a sunroof open allows warm air to rise right out of your car, allowing cooler air to settle in the cabin.
  3. Ventilation – Driving with the windows open is something we love and hate. We like the flow of fresh air, but having them open often comes with a lot of noise. An open sunroof invites in fresh air without having to shout to your passengers over the wind.
  4. Brightness – Whether or not you have the actual window open or just the sunshade, the sunroof will let a ton of light into your car. Natural sunlight is something many of don’t get enough of sitting in an office all day so open that sunroof and expose yourself to the benefits of sunshine!
  5. Resale Value – Yes, getting a car with a sunroof may cost a little extra when you buy it, but since that sunroof isn’t going anywhere you’ll be able to resell your car at a slightly higher price thanks to the premium feature!

If you have any questions about sunroofs, or just want to see which Honda models come with one, stop into DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh and we will gladly help you!