DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

Dec 9, 2016

Winter weather is finally upon us, which means we’re in for some pretty chilly mornings here in Plattsburgh, NY; Burlington, VT; Potsdam, Lake Placid, and Malone, NY! Nobody likes heading out the door a few minutes early to clean off and warm up their vehicle, but it’s a necessary evil of living in Upstate New York. A few of you have been asking about the right and wrong way to warm up your vehicle, and we have your answers below!

How long should I let my car warm up in the morning?

Actually, experts suggest that you shouldn’t. While it may be easy to click the automatic car starter, finish getting ready, and head out the door to a toasty vehicle, it’s actually damaging your engine. Engines require an even flow of air and gasoline to run properly, and when the temperature drops, your car will end up putting more gasoline into the engine than air. This “washes away” the oil your engine needs to run properly, which can cause lasting damage. This doesn’t mean that you have to completely break the habit of starting your car a few minutes early, but keep it to just that. Start your car, gather your things, and head out the door.

How should I warm up my car if I can let it idle?

Great question! You might be surprised by this, but the best way to warm up your vehicle is to get in and go! An engine can take anywhere between 5-15 minutes to warm up, so take your time and don’t push your car. It will cause unnecessary stress to the engine.

If you have any other questions about the proper way to warm up your vehicle, stop in and see us at DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh! We’ll check out your vehicle and make sure your heat, defrosters, and everything else are working perfectly for you this winter! The only thing we can’t do is shovel your driveway!

Dee, Sarah. “Warm up Your Car Correctly on Cold Mornings.” Autoblog. Autoblog Open Road, 28 Oct. 2016. Web. 7 Dec. 2016.

Orwig, Jessica. “Stop Hurting Your Engine by Idling the Car When It’s Cold out.” Business Insider. Business Insider, 21 Jan. 2016. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.