DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

Oct 26, 2016

Over the past six months, Honda has been providing viewers with an in-depth look at the Tim Mings’ restoration of America’s very first Honda through their online documentary, “Serial One.” The series follows Mings, a mechanic, as he meticulously restores a Honda N600 with the Vehicle Identification Number 1000001. Throughout the restoration process, Honda also took us back to explore the early years of Honda in the United States.

“Throughout the incredible journey of Honda’s Serial One to a complete restoration, fans have been able to witness firsthand how meticulous the process has been to bring the first N600 in America back to its original form,” said Alicia Jones, Honda social media manager. “Sharing the restoration process with car enthusiasts and Honda fans everywhere is what this program has been all about.”

The twelfth and final episode premiered last week, as Tim Mings revealed the finished N600 at the Japanese Classic Car Show. Watch it above to see the final result!

“It’s a Wrap! Honda Reveals Fully Restored “Serial One” as Painstaking Six-Month Journey Comes to a Close.” Honda Newsroom. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. <>.