DELLA Honda in Plattsburgh

Sep 8, 2016

In the latest installment of “What Makes a Honda is Who Makes a Honda,” we get to meet Naoki “Nick” Sugimoto. As a liaison between the technology and automotive industries at Honda Silicon Valley Lab (HSVL), Nick is at the forefront of the integration of automobiles and technology. HSVL is located in Silicon Valley, possibly the most innovative place on the planet. Part of Nick’s job is not only to find new technology and business ideas, but to show off new technology to people who work in other divisions of Honda.

“A lot of change is happening in the technology and automotive industries, and going forward it is more important now than ever for Honda to work with innovators of all types to remain competitive,” said Sugimoto.

Listen to Nick talk about what lead him to his current position and how he hopes that one day in the future, Honda will be so advanced that they won’t need his position.

“Leader of Honda Silicon Valley Lab Featured in “Who Makes a Honda” Video.” Honda Newsroom. Honda, 31 Aug. 2016. Web. 07 Sept. 2016.